I miss me. I miss the girl I was. I miss the me I know I can be.
But I am losing her. She is dying a very painful death..... not on the outside, where I look fine and everything is grand, but on the inside, where every moment, every attack, every jab causes just a little more of her life's blood to drain from her.
I miss that girl, and I weep for the woman she will never be.
When I said "I do"... I don't remember also saying "I give up." Damn those loose translations.
Hey, Thanks~for That poem, I feEl JuSt LiKe That. ThaTs wHy I pIcK bEiNg SinGle fOr lIFe. It Not wronG, RigHt? SoCieTy ThinKs Its wRoNg To Live Life SinGle.
Hi Its anonymus again...My name is sam... my blog is at http://www.myspace.com shiehzspace, So I put your poem on my blog and I am posting my comment on it. I hope it ok? Let me know if you object I will take it of ok?
my emailis shiehznakedtoo@yahoo.com
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