Thanksgiving and shopping... better than love and marriage let me tell ya...
Actually I'm being cheeky, because if there are two things the spouse and I are good at together (trust me there are more than two, but work with me here, people!) it's eating dinner and shopping. Today we spent a lovely day meandering about the stores and picking up things here and there. Eventually our picking up a few things ended up being a carload. We are taking stuff back, I tell ya. We are. I mean it.
Tomorrow we're driving to an outlet mall with my brother and sister in law. Spouse and I have a few things to pick up for one another and for the new house. More than anything, we are going to spend a day with my "little" brother and his wife. Adult time...very cool.
Next week, my friend from Norway and his lovely daughter are coming to the area. He has meetings at the base, while the girl child and my own Stretch are planning activities together. Guess what they want to do? SHOPPING! Teens are teens the world over I guess.
Speaking of Stretch... she's living up to her name. She's over five feet tall finally and has actually hit a bit of a growth spurt. She's grown a full inch since August, and is now becoming a little woman. Attitude included.
Sunday we grout the tile at the new house, which has me very excited. The hardwood is in, the siding is nearly done. Cabinets and such go in next week, and appliances soon after. Holy cats we could be moving in three short weeks. Have I packed anything? NOOOOoooo...I'm too busy writing in my blog.
Speaking of which, Snookums...don't make me give you mouth to mouth. And Shroom...glad that the dip in temperature didn't cool your fire too much. I miss you woman, and thanks for the "I told you so." Now, since GQS hasn't peeped since I last wrote, someone wanna grab the paddles? She may need a shock.
After all, I posted twice in a row.
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