Emerald Dreams

Sporadic musings and ramblings of a woman with too much in her head and not nearly enough time on her hands....

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Guess I should check in, give an update on how the new year is shaping up.

Or not, as the case may be.

First off, the renovation of the bod is going ok. I'm down about 7 in four weeks. I lose slowly, it is what it is. I am assuming (hoping...praying) it will speed up once the weather warms and I can work in some sort of physical activity.

I have been working on the house though. I went through and did the organize and purge of household crap. The kids rooms needed it and so did mine. Spouse hasn't even tried to do his side yet, but there's time. I am thinking that's a weekend project for February or March before soccer season starts full bore. We've also got to get the office done. It's been a year. That's enough time to live with boxes. Yuck. Next will be picking colors so we can put some paint on our walls, and figuring out what exactly to do with the outhouse.

Oh, we DID get half the garage cleaned out. I actually can park the van in there now. Very nice for those increasingly cold mornings to go out into the garage to a warmed up vehicle.

Completed yet another class, taking baby steps toward graduation. However due to a boo boo on the part of the college, that blessed event is shoved back somewhat. I had to add another major, so that I have enough credits. Frustrated? You bet. Am now in the beginning of statistics classes. Ew. That's all I can say. Ew.

Work continues to go well. Love the new company. Love being treated like an adult. Love the travel. On the schedule: California, Amsterdam, Athens and Melbourne next year. WHOOP!

Home travel looks like fun too. Off to see spouse's grandmother to celebrate her 93rd birthday this weekend, then a weekend with spouse and friends to the beach and golf courses in SC in March. Family vacation in July in Orlando... should be a great time.

So, life goes on. I've got nothing to complain about, that's for sure.

Oh wait...maybe I do. The eldest child is pregnant. Yeah, that's a SMALL concern. Ugh. Anyone calls me Grandma and I'll bop them with my cane.

Grandma. Ew.


At 1:56 AM, Blogger http://small-family.blogspot.com said...

Hey Emerald,

drop me a line with the particulars of the retirement party sometime, would ya? Spoke with some other PP's and they are all stoked.

WRT to your eldest, I wish you all the patience of the world.




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