Emerald Dreams

Sporadic musings and ramblings of a woman with too much in her head and not nearly enough time on her hands....

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I don't like the word "probably" anymore. I'd prefer "most definitely is" or "most definitely is not."

Less disconnected today. It was a busy afternoon with news that needed sharing. When support came it was swift, wrapping me up in it's web and keeping me safe. That's the thing about a crisis or stressful time.... when you need your friends, your connections, they renew, revive, restore. I needed, intensely... and I received in abundance.

I most definitely do not like being unsure. I most definitely do not like being scared. I most definitely am not ready to face a battle. I am most definitely unsettled.

Tonight went to Wal-Mart. Got caught in a "code black." I can hear it now..."what the hell is a code black?" We had a tornado supposedly in the area, so everyone in WM was shuffled back (rather like cattle or sheep) into the Domestics department (think bedspreads and sheets) to wait it out. They wanted no one near the windows, all electronics were turned off, etc. It was exciting anyway. Mads got a little anxious, but we turned it into a game, and within 20 minutes or so, we were released to check out and go home.

I was again Mother of the Year in the dinner department. Too late to cook, too much homework, and too much stress, combined for a night of fast food. Thankfully, the kids are jocks and they'll burn that crap off. Mom however, will have to walk FOUR miles tomorrow night.

I will "probably" sleep. I am just hoping for more than three hours tonight. The body is not adjusting well to this level of activity vs. rest.

And I will definitely worry.


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