Emerald Dreams

Sporadic musings and ramblings of a woman with too much in her head and not nearly enough time on her hands....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

If it's a little cold in your neck of the woods...

It's because hell froze over. We signed. Closed. All we're doing is waiting on a check.

Also, I have accepted a new position at work. Started Monday. I am the Director of Communications for ISSI (Integrated Systems Solutions, Incorporated). I work as a management analyst on base, and my collateral duties include contract management for the Navy as well as building and branding ISSI.

Five years of service with Sabre are over. I miss the good times, but they had become fewer and farther between. I look forward to my new challenges.

And we closed. I can breathe. C'mon check... I have home improvements to make, and my car to pay for.

For now though, I think I'll indulge in something I haven't done in seven weeks. I think I shall sleep the whole night through.


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