Emerald Dreams

Sporadic musings and ramblings of a woman with too much in her head and not nearly enough time on her hands....

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

On refinancing and mortgages and closings and delays....

F this. Seriously, how the hell does ANYONE put up with the delays and reschedules and crap? I can't breathe, my chest hurts and the only way I've gotten through tonight is by consuming half a bottle of Shiraz wine. Be glad that I'm not on tequila, because my typing would really suck then.

We're supposed to sign on Friday. Then three days for recision, puts us funding next Thursday. It's only been FIVE FREAKING WEEKS since we were supposed to close. The mortgage is late because we didn't pay it, thinking we'd close. We've got plans to do stuff and can't because we can't seem to close.

If this closing doesn't happen, there will be a news story in which I am prominently featured. Going postal will seem like child's play if they screw this up again.

I have in my head a wonderful posting on majestic western mountains, and lush green plains and my thoughts as I flew home from Vegas... I even have plans to go there again, nebulous though they may be... but I can't do any of that because my stress level is crushing the breath from my lungs.

By the way, did I mention I've been laid off from work? October 15th I end my five year career at Sabre Systems. It's been a wonderful ride...

Pardon me while I go throw up.


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