Emerald Dreams

Sporadic musings and ramblings of a woman with too much in her head and not nearly enough time on her hands....

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hola Internets!

HAHAHAHA, you thought I was going to quit updating didn't you? Not so much. If I weren't moving in TWO DAYS I'd be even better at this.

But I am, and I'm not.

I am moving, I am not going to be able to post until the cable modem is hooked up over at the new digs...I am going to be busy and I am not going to miss this little dinky apartment.

Tonight I bought a couch...well, spouse and I bought a couch. It is a beautiful thing, a compromise we both love. A sectional (which I didn't want) in paprika/orange (a color he didn't exactly want)

And we both LOVE this couch. Weird.

Pictures once things are unpacked. Friday's plan is to start moving with clothes, breakables, kitchen crap...and Christmas. My tree will be up Friday night. My kids will have Christmas in our new home. I expect to have a great new year.

Bought the Six Week Body Makeover thanks to a GQS recommendation. Asked for the XBox fitness game... after getting high cholesterol readings at 37, I need the push. Spouse has agreed to do it with me to keep me honest.

Besides, with the new mortgage we'll be too damned poor to eat much.

Perhaps we'll just do a lot of lounging on the new, orange, couch.

See you on the flip side!


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